Each donation is used to support the various ministries of Farmville Baptist Church, as we help to spread the gospel to the local community and throughout the world.
Matthew 6:19-21
Acts 20:32-35
Hebrews 13:16
Please email for any questions about giving.
Click the drop-down below for different ways to give.
Ways to Give
Worship Service:
Offering plates are passed during Sunday service. Checks and cash are accepted. For your convenience, envelopes are placed in the back of each pew to put your offering in.
By Mail:
Please use the address below when sending a payment by mail.
3607 AL. Hwy. 147 N. (36830)
P.O. Box 3638
Auburn, AL 36831-3638
Online giving is offered through A processing fee is charged depending on which method is chosen. Details for each fee are listed below.
Cover the Fees is a considerate way for donors to shoulder the processing fees that are deducted from a transaction. When a donor chooses to cover the fees, their total gift is increased, so the church receives their desired amount. Cover the Fees is toggled on by default for Tithely Giving.
Click Here To Learn More About Processing Fees.
2.9% + $0.30 - VISA, MasterCard, Discover
3.5% + $0.30 - American Express
1% + $0.30 - ACH/Bank Transfer also has an app for easy giving through your mobile device.
Please click the button below to give online.
Get The App for Easy Giving
(Click on the icons below to download)